Wow - 2012.. What a year it was! So what did 2012 bring? I'll try to sum up!
S making calls to family when he finally was back on land. |
Our first HOMECOMING! It was a cold, rainy, night when we finally met up again after skipping every major holiday from October to January. But it snowed on J's birthday (her first real time living in snow) and Clydas got to check it out for the first time too.
J's 32nd birthday dinner - Hot Pot in Tukwilla |
February didn't bring any major holidays or outings for us. S went to work on the night shift for a few weeks upon his return, so we saved up for our own "spring break" instead.
In March, we went to Michigan to visit S's family, hometown, and some friends. A few days just wasn't long enough.
Michigan 2012 |
And after Michigan came a few days in Disney World (a place where a few days REALLY aren't enough time) with more family -
Disney World Spring 2012 |
The weekend after we came back from here, we found our house and started the process of buying it. But Easter brought one more little get-away to the Salish Lodge beside the Snoqualmie Falls. It was a great get away. Cashing in a Christmas gift certificate, we had a couples massage by the fire, and enjoyed one night away talking and breathing through the challenges coming our way.
Salish Lodge- Easter 2012
This was also when we learned that J's dad had cancer and we immediately starting making plans for the wedding celebration in California. In May, we moved into our first house!
In June, J took a quick weekend trip to California to solidify arrangements for the wedding. But we were very excited to spend July 4th together two years straight! In 2011, we spent it watching from the deck of a barge. S had to work that night, but the Navy was kind enough to sponsor a little get together for the families of the working guys and let us spend some quality time watching movies and fireworks together. This year, we spent our July 4th on Bainbridge Island, watching the fireworks of Bainbridge and Seattle from our beachy vantage point. I think this beach might just turned into a tradition for us.
To be continued...